
“ One day I die, need not to hold any mourning ceremony for me, my ashes can be cast in the sea on a mountain. If anyone who wishes to keep it, please don’t leave me in a cold urn at the desolate cemetery. I hope he or she can put my ashes in a thin heat-resistance glass bottle and put it on the bookshelf at home; so that I can “see” and lean against books.” -- Ashes by siuding / translated by Soong Chuk Ching

Saturday, April 04, 2009

書本設計《第三個紐約》/潘國靈 著

這本書版面的設設原意,係我的書本設計《命名日本》 的同類。於是採用白地,加上桃紅的色塊...其實編輯一早mark好相,但排下去時都係唔係好可以完美咁夾到版位,於是我差不多都"立"過所有文才可以令圖跟得上文字。


呢本書寫得唔錯,文章唔算長,每篇都好快看完,不過有時係覺得唔夠喉,係想佢寫多d羅,因為睇睇下比佢搞到癮起。話晒我仲意日本野多d,關於New York 其實所知甚小,而且之前有個舊同事係係美國返黎既,佢比我的印象超差,於是一拼憎埋美國...(呢個位我自認白痴,但控制唔到,話晒我仲有空間可以「把無知留給自己」XD hahaha....)

Opening 版面設計,我好仲意呢種簡單直接的處理 ^_^ 

內文我最仲意〈Book Country書國紐約〉,因為同書本有關呢。

另外最新奇的,莫過於係〈Gay Pride Parade 同志驕傲大遊行〉那篇啦 ^O^ hoho~

仲有呢篇意外的收獲〈subway photographs 地鐵攝影〉